i decided several years ago that i don’t need a lot of stuff, but it makes sense to me that the stuff i have be of a certain quality, and as such, my standards are [obnoxiously] high.
for instance…
just over a year ago, i got an absolutely GORGEOUS briefcase from Saddleback Leather. it’s this one, in this colour (Chestnut), size medium:
it IS stunning, isn’t it? the price is also rather stunning but once you’ve seen one and smelled it and held it in your hands, it all becomes perfectly clear. it also doesn’t hurt that it has a 100 year (no shit) guarantee. it’s lovely in the photo, but it’s SO gorgeous in person that, when i first got it and it was still all shiny and new, a stranger offered me her seat on a bench… FOR MY BRIEFCASE! there was plenty of room on the bench for me, but i had set the case down on the sidewalk and she was mildly horrified at the thought of it getting even a little scratched. lol. i declined her offer, for the record, because as counterintuitive as it is, it’s ok for it to get a little scratched/scraped/marred – that’s exactly the kind of thing that gives it character as it ages. throw it in the back of the car – it’s fine. stuff it under the airplane seat in front of you – it’s fine. drag it through the dirt – it’s fine. seriously, it’s fine. i only have the briefcase for now – you can get one for yourself here – but if i get my way, i’ll be having this ultrabook case very soon, and this big leather wallet shortly thereafter. i travel, i NEED these things! 😀
everything is available in 4 different colours, but i’m partial to Chestnut. i really have to keep a tight rein (heh) on myself and select only the items that would actually be of use to me, personally, because otherwise i would want one of everything (i secretly want one of everything anyway), especially this suitcase – JUST LOOK AT THIS THING!!
i can EASILY recommend this company between the quality of both the products AND the customer service (also amazing) but also because they are extremely nice people. i’m not even kidding. check out their Saddleback Leather story here, and you can read their Facebook page to see how they’re making the world a better place.
here are a few of their other items, in other colours:
Leather tote (Tobacco)
Travel Case (Carbon)
Thin Briefcase (Dark Coffee Brown)
The Beast Duffle Bag (Chestnut)
i think bags are their speciality, but they do more than that. there are coasters and belts and several other non-bag items. GO LOOK!
function AND form makes my heart skip a beat.
…several beats, even.
it’s the stuff of dreams, and i’m in love.

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